Friday, October 21, 2011

G'morning America

Have you ever heard the Term---"It's Not The Econmy Stupid, It's Morality Stupid." Our Real Problem in America to day is that America is Morally Bankrupt. Untill that is Acknowledged & addressed, we're never going to be what what America once was. A wise man has so rightly stated. " Freedom belongs Only to a people who are Morally Responsible. It is not possible for a people to be (so) Corrupt & Conniving Liars, Cheaters, & Thieves, stealing from one another, & still remain FREE. To have a good country, we have to build a nation of good people. Of we as a nation do not soon return our Official Public Policy to the Christian consenses (majority) of our Founding Fathers & the Biblical Principles of Law that have provided the Freedom's we've enjoyed for over two hundrend years, it is just a matter of time before we lose those freedoms." (Dawson) Question America? How valuable is your FREEDOM to YOU? It's only a matter of time before a Master takes you over. "Only a virtuous people are capable of Freedom. As Nations become Corrupt & Vicious, they have more need of Master's." (John Adams)  A People who cannot Control themselves are not able to Govern themselves.

A Republic is what we (America) are, not a Democracy. A Republic is based on the Rule Of Law, our Constitution, which has been stepped on, trashed, & shreded on by many of those in Government. The President has even stated, that our Constittution has some "Deep Flaws" in it. What does that say, when the President Of The United States Of America, can so boldly purport that our Founding Document is "Deeply Flawed"? You may be thinkng, Well, if we could only get the Right persons in Office, we be just fine. You think so?   "To change government parties without addressing Moral Issues is an act of futility. (Meaningless/Hopelessness) It is Religion alone that can establish the principles for which Freeom can securely stand....If this cannot be inspired into our people in a greater measure than they have it now, they may change their Rulers & Forms of Government, but they will NOT obtain a lasting liberty." (J.Q.Adams) Did you understand what you just read, America??

Please note America. If We as a Free (for now) nation/people don't return back to our Judean Christian Values...We're DOOMED!! It's Your chioce America.  "It Is When People Forget God, That Tyrants Forged Thier Chains."

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