Thursday, December 8, 2011

"Behind The Scenes"

How Educated And Informed, Do You Believe You Are Concerning The Real America, For Which You Live, Love, And Would Even Fight For?

Felix Frankfurter--U.S. Surpreme Court Justice: "The orders working and involvment in America, is Immense. The real rulers in Washington, are Invisible, and exercise power, from behind the scenes.

"6/4/1963, President John F. Kennedy signs executive order 1110, which returned the United States Governement the power to issure currency without going to the Federal Reserve Board.

He writes:   "The very word secrecy is repugnant in a Free and open society. And we are as a people inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and secret proceeedings. For we are opposed around the world, by a Monolithic, and ruthless conspiracy, that relies primarly on covert means, for expanding it's fear of influence on infiltration, instead of invasion, on subversion, instead of elections, on intimidation, instead of Free choice, it is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources in a building tightly knit, highly efficient machine, that combines Military, Diplomatic, Intelligence, Ecomonic, Scientific, and Political operations. It's preforations are concealed, not published, it's mistakes are buried, not headlined, it's dissenters are Silenced, not praised, no expenditure is question, no secret is revealed. I am asking for your help, for the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people, confident with your help, Man would be, What he was born to be, Free and Independent."

After this speech, he is assiassinated six months later. President Johnson rescineded it on Air Force One, from Dallas to Washsington, D.C.

Note: Not The End Of Story, Stay Tune For Further Details!

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