Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hello America

Please Make Note Church Of God. There seems to be much talk concerning a certain Religion/Faith lately in the media. Some in the Christian Church are now very confused what is Christianity, & what makes one a Born-Again Christian? What deeply concerns me is that some noted Christian Ministers/Shepherds of God are stating that this one religion is also Christianity, & they believe that a certain Presidential candidate is a Christian. How Blasphemous is that? Why are they so confused about the doctrine of Salvation? The Bible is absolutely clear what one must do to become a Born- Again Christian. (John 3:16) (Romans 10:9,13) (Ephesians 2:8,9) (Gal.2:16)(I Jn.5:13) Please make note Christian, if any man,Anyone,preaches any other Gospel then what God's Word says, "Let him be accursed." (Galatians 1:7,8,9)

* Note: "If Any Pastor (minister) usurps that office (established by Christ Himself), & under
cloak thereof do teach or enjoin things contrary to what Christ has instituted then No obedience unto them is required by this command. But it is just at this point that most difficulty is experienced today. For many years years past large numbers of professing Christians have been demanding that the religious leaders should speak unto them "Smooth Things," yea, prophesy unto them "Deceits," declining to listen unto what condemned their Carnal and Worldly lives and refusing to heed the Holy requirements of God. In consequence He (God) has suffered their descendants to reap the evil sowings of their fathers, by largely worldly "Pastors," after his own heart, and allowing thousands of Unregenerate men to occupy the modern pulpit. Instead of "Obeying" and "Submitting," to them, God requires His people tom turn away from and have nothing to do with them." (A.W.Pink)"No religious obligation to hear anything, but the revealed will of God, and are not to obey those that call to them, for what doth not call to them."

* Please Church, I beg you not to hear or heed anyone who preaches a false Gospel to you.

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