Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"Sin Of Silence"

"When Hitler cxame to power in Germany in 1933, he scornfully dismissed the Church, and her Pastors as irrelevant which posed no threat to the Nazi agenda for that great nation. "I promise you," he boasted to his inner circle, "I could destroy the church in just a few years." It is Hollow, it is Rotten, and False through and through. One push and the whole structure would collaspe." "We should trap the preaches," he said, by their  notorious greed and self-indulgence. We shall thus be able to settle everything with them in perfect peace and harmony. I shall give them a few years reprieve, why should we quarrel? They will swallow anything to keep their material advantage. The Parsons/Ministers will be made to dig their own graves, they will betray their God for us, they will betray anything for thge sake of miserable jobs, and incomes." For while the killing goes on and the nation is led down the path of destruction, the Church and her pastors/shepherds stand silent and afraid, in the face of this relentless onslaught of Evil, the church of Jesus Christ has grown timid and afraid. We have abandoned the Truth of God's Word, comprimised the stern demands of His Law, tailored our message to meet the felt needs of sinful men, and prostitued ourselves and the Gospel that we profess to proclaim, for Worldly popularity and success. Faithful preaching must identify and denouce the False gods of this world, that call upon our people to Bow Down before them everyday." 

 Martin Luther once said. " The Preacher who does not Rebuke the Sins of the Rulers through God's Word spoken Publicly, Boldly, and Honestly strengthens the Sins of the Tyrants and become  a partaker in them and bears responsibility for them. We cannot shift that Responsibility to Anyone else today. We cannot Blame the Liberal media or the Corrupt Politicians, or the Apathetic public for that which has overtaken America. This is our FAULT, for we (Pastors) are the ones whom God has placed here at this moment in our nations history to be the Stiging Salt and the Shining Light. We are Responsible for what has happened to America. In this year of our Lord, 2000, there is no Pontus Pilot's basin that cleanse the hands of America's Pastor's from the guilty stain of Innocent Blood."

In 1940, at the height of Hitler's power and popularity, a courages young pastor named Deitrich Bonhoeffer, denouned the Churches Failure to speak out against the Evil. That lonely voice of truth proclaimed "We the church must confess that we have not proclaimed often and clearly enough the message of the One God who has revealed Himself for all time in Christ Jesus, and who will not tolerate no other gods beside Himself. She must confess her timidty, her cowardice, her evasiness and her dangerous concessions. She was silent when she should have cried out, because the Blood of the innocent was crying aloud to Heaven. The church must confess that she has witnessed the Lawless applicatioin of brutal force, the Physical and Spiritual suffering of countless innocent people, oppression, hatred, and murder, and that she has not raised her vioce on behalf of the victims. And has not found a way to hasten to their aid. "The church is guilty of the deaths of the weakest and most defenseless brothers of Jesus Christ. The church must confess that she has desired Security and Peace, Quiet, possening, and honor to which she has no right. She has not born witness to the Truth of God and by her Silence, she has rendered herself Guilty, because of her Unwillingness to suffer for what she knows to be right." The  Moral meltdown has been met with the deafening silence from the Pulpits of America, and the people-pleasers who presume to stand in them. This desolation of decency could not occurred if the Pulpits of this land were once again aflamed with Righteousness." (Speech given by Dr. Laurence White--9/2000)

This is no doubt more true today then ever before. The Church and her Pulpits are and have been Silent for decades! **Alexis De Tocqueville, once said...."By our Apathy, by our Acquiescence, and by our Ignorance, the Church of Jesus Christ has consigned itself Irrelevance and Impotence in the ongoing struggle for the soul of America." Are You ever going to stir yourselves up and wake up to the fact that God has sold you over to your eneimies because you have Forsaken Him?
"To Sin by Silence whe they should protest, makes Cowards of men." (Lincoln)
Silence Implies Consent!