Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Your Freedom

In 1789, George Washington wrote in his inauguration address this paragraph, however, & unfortunately it was never delievered. " Until the people of America shall lost all virtue: until they shall become totally insensible to the difference between Freedom and Slavery; until they have been reduced to such poverty of spirit as to be willing to sell the Pre-emminent blessing, the Birthright of a Freeman, for a mess of pottage; In short, until they have been found Incapable of governing themselves and ripe for a Master." Notice his proposition America?  1. Lost of Morality. 2 Not knowing the difference between Freedom & Slavery. 3. Being Spiritual Weak. 4. Willing to sell our Blessings from God for a mess of Pottage. 4. No ability to govern themselves (ourselves). ("Those who cannot Control themselves, are Inapt to Govern themselves)

Question: Have we become so Morally Depraved, not knowing the difference between Freedom & Slavery, (or regard for) and have become so spiritually weak, that we're willing to sell, or is it, (we have sold) our blessing ["the birthright of a Freeman for a mess of pottage"] unable to rightly govern ourselves, and now ripe for a Master? If this be true--"Only a Virtuous people are capable  of Freedom, as a nation becomes (more) Corrupt, and (more) vicious, they have need of Masters."
(B.Franklin) How frightening and horrible is this? Do you not know America, that our "God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it." (D.W.)

Where are our True American Patriots, are you willing to take a stand for what our Founding Fathers gave us, (and our God who gave us Life, gave us Liberty." T.J) and give whatever it takes to make sure we continue to be a Free and Properous people, or will we give up and yield to tyranny? If so, make note America.  " If ye (you) love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude greater than the animating contest for Freedom, go home & leave us in peace. We ask not your council, nor your arms, croch down & lick the hand that feeds you, & may posterity forget that ye (you) were our countrymen.?" (Samuel Adams) Strong words you say, Yes, but how much do you value your freedeom, and your children's Freedom?? " All that is necessary for Evil to triumph is for good men to do--"Nothing." (Edmund Burke)

You think--Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I will do it Tomorrow! "Procrastination is my sin, it brings nothing but sorrow, I know I should stop it--in fact I will--"Tomorrow." I implore you America, we might not have a Tomorrow. To continue to be SILENT, may very well be to our Destruction and Ruin!!   "To sin by Silence when they should protest makes cowards of men." (A.L.)
Silence implies Consent! "In the end, we will remember not the words of our Enemies, but the Silence of our Friends." America, the beautiful Country for which I love, I will continue to take a stand for Righteousness, and be willing to sacrifice whatever it may take, so that posterity will have the same Freedom(s) that have been passed down to me from men of who courages, & boldly fought for and gave their lives, so I could Speak Freely, Worship Freely, Live Freely, how could I (we) Betray such a trust that has been gively to All Americans?? I still Believe In You America! God Bless America, and our God who gave us All we have!

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